Andrea’s Story – Why I Do This Work

When I was seventeen years old, I climbed up to the top of a mountain in the Sierras. Comfortably seated at the summit, with an incredible panoramic view, my perception and experience shifted profoundly. The world opened to me as a numinous, sacred, alive place of incredible beauty and harmony. I experienced everything as in perfect balance and order. The peace was profound, and the vast yet deep, interconnected nature of all of reality became clear. I knew at that moment that whatever I did with my life, it needed to be in service to helping others know and access this place. A deep sense of purpose was born at that moment, connected to the desire to serve.

During that revelation on the mountaintop, I knew in a flash what the great mystics, poets, and artists were trying to communicate. I didn’t know what my medium would be at that time, but my purpose in life to help bring this knowing to others became a clear guiding light that has always lit my way. I was forever changed by that experience, and my meditation, spiritual practices, and daily connection keep this alive.

I became a nutritionist and mindfulness meditation teacher, committed to helping others discover the deep peace and healthy vibrant living as it has transformed my life. I discovered that knowing this place, and having practices to regularly connect you, is also deeply healing, liberating and balancing for those that struggle with relationship to food. It helps free you to live the life you dream of living and making a difference in the world.

This path continues to unfold with teaching, speaking, and working individually with people from all over the world. For all, I am grateful, including the opportunity to share further with this new book release, retreats and programs.


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About Andrea Lieberstein, MPH, RDN, RYT

Your Champion for Leading a Well Nourished Life


Andrea Lieberstein; author, speaker, trainer, coach, mindfulness-based registered dietitian nutritionist, mindful eating and mindfulness meditation teacher, and registered yoga teacher has specialized in helping people transform their lives for over 25 years. She is committed to supporting you to live the life you dream of living.

…having greater peace, joy and balance in your relationship with food, yourself and your life…

… bringing your life back into balance and vibrancy through ancient wisdom and life changing science based mindful eating and living practices.

… creating new patterns that are sustainable to you

…nourishing the eight realms that make you uniquely human, and uniquely you

Let her be your champion for leading a well nourished life…Whether through an individual or group coaching program, retreat, speaking engagement, or a program customized to you or your organization.


She is author of the book, “Well Nourished”, a contributing author to “Resources for Teaching Mindfulness: An International Handbook, to “Some Leaders are born Women” and to the “The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook” (5th edition).

A Warm and Engaging Insightful Coach and Retreat Leader

Andrea leads Well Nourished, mindfulness meditation and mindful eating trainings and retreats at retreat centers across the country and internationally. She offers Well Nourished Mindful Eating and Living Retreats at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Omega Institute, 1440 Multiversity and internationally.

Her virtual interactive Well Nourished Group Coaching Programs are accessible wherever you live. All her individual or group coaching sessions are accessible to anyone online or in person. She uses the Well Nourished Approach and incorporates elements of Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training – MB-EAT, mindfulness-based stress reduction – MBSR, Mindful Self-Compassion -MSC, other evidence-based mindfulness and mindful eating practices, intuition and ancient wisdom practices in her private practice working with individuals on a wide range of disordered eating and eating challenges, food and nutrition healthy lifestyle issues, healthy weight management, body image and stress related issues and health concerns. In her private practice, Andrea works with individuals to have more peace, balance and joy in their relationship with food, nutrition, body-image, and stress-related issues and health concerns or whom simply want to bring their lives back into balance and vibrancy through mindful eating and living

Andrea is a guest teacher at meditation retreat centers such as Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Silent Stay and Vajrapani Institute.

An Accessible, Compassionate, Teacher Trainer of Health Professionals

Andrea trains health professionals in Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness (MB-EAT) at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Esalen Institute, Omega Institute and 1440 Multiversity with the program’s founder, Jean Kristeller and internationally, and trains health professionals worldwide in her online live interactive MB-EAT program. Health Professionals can learn how to teach this evidence based program. MB-EAT is also offered in a weekend format for everyone.

Professionals may also attend selected Well Nourished Retreats that offer CEU’s for an introduction to the approach. Andrea is taking a limited number of health professionals for private mentoring in this approach in 2017-18.

A Changemaker and Thought Leader in Organizations

Andrea was a leader in developing and implementing mindfulness and mind body programs at Kaiser Permanente Northern California for over 20 years. She was instrumental in pioneering the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program in Kaiser Permanente’s Northern California Region in the 1990’s and helping develop, implement and oversee the Mind Body and other programs at different facilities. A mind body pioneer in the organization, she was a keynote speaker at their first ever Mind Body Conference. Most recently, Andrea has pursued her dream of full time teaching, coaching, training and mentoring in the Well Nourished mindful eating and living approach. Andrea’s clients include or have included individuals, retreat centers, companies, medical centers, online educational platforms, health clubs, schools and colleges.

She is available to speak at your organization or customize a program.


As a seasoned teacher and coach of many mindfulness-based interventions, she is trained in Jon Kabat-Zinn’s nationally acclaimed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program, an MBSR teacher since 1993, The MB-EAT Program – Mindfulness Based Eating Awareness Training developed by Jean Kristeller, now as a teacher trainer, Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) developed by Kristin Neff, Harvard Medical School sponsored, ‘Mind Body Medicine Symptom Reduction Program’ (developed by Joan Boryensenko and Herbert Benson), certified yoga instructor through IYT – Integrative Yoga Therapy, trained in Integral Coaching Methods through New Ventures West, Circlework Teacher Training developed by Jalaja Bohnheim, received intensive training in Continuum Movement, developed by Emilie Conrad Daoud and is a registered yoga instructor and certified clinical ecotherapist.

Her education includes a bachelor’s degree from Stanford University in Human Biology with an emphasis on preventive medicine and healthy lifestyles, and a Master’s Degree in Public Health Nutrition from University of California, Berkeley.

Current Member:

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

DIFM Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine

BHN Behavioral Health Nutritionists

SCAN Sports, Cardiovacular and Wellness Nutrition

Northern California Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Instructors

Andrea’s Personal Practice

I am inspired daily by a regular yoga and meditation practice and regular moments of beauty and appreciation. I’ve practiced vipassana (mindfulness) meditation and yoga since the mid-1980’s. The inner nourishment practices of gratitude, awe and mindful self-compassion are integral to my well-being and living my well nourished life. I love being in nature and incorporating the healing power of nature and mindfulness based nature practices into my life, retreats and programs whenever possible. Dance is also important to me. My personal path is inspired and nurtured by sharing these practices with others as widely as possible to make a difference in this world.

“One of my greatest joys is sharing the life transforming practices of mindfulness, mindful eating and living. These open the door to an enduring peace, sense of well-being, joy, clear seeing and perspective. This source of deep nourishment frees up the energy to live the life of our dreams and make the difference in the world we most long to make.

My personal path is inspired daily and nurtured by sharing these practices with others as widely as possible to make a difference in this world.”

I look forward to hearing from you!

Connect with me to book an interview, speaking engagement, for more information about coaching programs or retreats, or to customize a Well Nourished Mindful Eating and Living program for your organization.

Indicate if you want to learn more about professional training and mentoring program in mindful eating.

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